You have questions, we have answers
How does SellerFly work?
We provide you with a detailed directory of wholesalers, drop shippers, liquidators and manufacturers
to use for business purposes.
Do I need a business or a license to join?
No. Everyone is welcome to join and sell no matter who you are or what you do.
What if I’m not located in the United States?
No problem! We have suppliers in North America, Australia, Asia, and Europe. Most ship worldwide.
Do any of the suppliers offer drop shipping?
Yes, we do provide a large selection of suppliers who offer drop shipping.
Can I get a pricing list?
There are hundreds of thousands of products available from our database of suppliers and a complete
list is not available. However, please view our Twitter page here for a highlight of popular products and
Can I buy products on this website?
Not at the moment. Our focus is to supply information to wholesale companies and you can purchase
products once on their site.
How do I view the supplier database?
Please click the "DIRECTORY" page on the top right, then click on "Login".
Can I change the password or email address on my account?
Yes, click on the "Profile Settings" link on the left-hand side of the Directory page. You will then be directed to a
user details screen where you can make changes to your account.
My login is not working, what should I do?
Please contact Customer Support immediately and we will resolve any login issues.
Do you offer refunds?
Because you're purchasing an informational product, we cannot refund membership costs that have
already been paid.
How do I cancel my membership?
Log into your account and click "Profile Settings" to cancel. Please contact Customer Support if you need assistance or have any questions.
Do you share or sell customer information?
We do not share your personal information with any of our affiliates or partners. Your information is
only used if a problem arises related to your account.
How do I know the information I enter is secure?
The SellerFly website is encoded with an SSL 256-bit Secure Sockets Layer encryption protecting
customer information from outside sources and hackers. Your security is guaranteed by us!
Still have questions? Contact Customer Support here.